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Below, you will find selected
scores to purchase as PDF files.
Downloads available from
Sheet Music Direct
& Sheet Music Plus
After clicking on the link
beneath each title you will
be taken to
Once redirected, please
scroll down. Beneath the
score you will find a digital mp3
sample of each song in the
If you should have any
problems printing out a
clean copy after purchasing,
I will be happy to immediately
email you a better file for
printing. Just email me
directly with any concerns:
An Hymn to the Evening
(Poem by Phillis Wheatley)
An Hymn to the Evening Sheet Music | Jeremiah
Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
April Rain Song
(Poem by Langston Hughes)
April Rain Song Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Belle Gunness
(Poem is anonymous)
Belle Gunnes Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Central Park at Dusk
(Poem by Sara Teasdale)
Central Park at Dusk Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Departing Summer
(Poem by Goerge Moses Horton)
Departing Summer Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
(Poem by Edgar Allan Poe)
Eldorado Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Four Epitaphs
(Poems by Countee Cullen)
1. For my Grandmother
2. For John Keats
3. For Paul Laurence Dunbar
4. For a Lady I Know
Four Epitaphs Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
God Bless Our Native Land
(Poem by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
God Bless Our Native Land by Jeremiah Evans She
et Music for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct
If You Should Go
(Poem by Countee Cullen)
If You Should Go Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Owed to New York
(Poem by Byron Rufus Newton)
Owed to New York Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Pictures of the
Floating World
(Poems by Amy Lowell)
1. Autumn Haze
2. A Lover
3. Nuit Blanche
4. Nuance
5. The Pond
Pictures of the Floating World Sheet Music | Jeremiah
Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (​​
(Peom by George ((Jorge)) Godoy)
Roses by Jeremiah Evans Sheet Music
for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct
Sea Gypsy
(Poem by Richard Hovey)
Sea Gypsy Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Three Poems
of Emily Dickinson
1. I Never Saw Moor
2. The Butterfly Upon the Sky
3. Wild Nights! (score coming soon)
Three Poems of Emily Dickinson Sheet Music | Jere
miah Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Three Poems of
William Carlos Williams
1. The Red Wheelbarrow
2. El Hombre
3. Summer Song
Three Poems of William Carlos Williams Sheet Music
| Jeremiah Evans | Vocal Solo (
Two Lullabies
(Poems by Langston Hughes)
1. Winter Sweetness
2. Fairies
Two Lullabies Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Parables from
"The Madman"
(Poems by Kahlil Gibran)
1. On the Steps of the Temple
2. The Fox
Two Parables Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (​
Two Poems
of Amy Lowell
1. July Midnight
2. Madonna of the Evening Flowers
Two Poems of Amy Lowell Sheet Music | Jeremiah
Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems
of Emma Lazarus
1. Long Island Sound
2. The New Colossus
Two Poems of Emma Lazarus Sheet Music | Jeremia
h Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems
of Georgia Douglas Johnson
1. The Dreams of the Dreamer
2. Lost Illusions
Two Poems of Georgia Douglas Johnson Sheet Music | J
eremiah Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems
of Henry Livingston Jr.
1. Catherine Livingston Breese
2. Acrostic
Two Poems of Henry Livingston Jr. Sheet Music | Jere
miah Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems
of James Weldon Johnson
1. Sunset in the Tropics
2. The Gift to Sing
Two Poems of James Weldon Johnson Sheet Music | Jere
miah Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems of
Jessie Redmon Fauset
1. Oblivion
2. Rain Fugue
Two Poems of Jessie Redmon Fauset Sheet Music | Jere
miah Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems of
Native American Poets
(Poems by Alexander Posey
and William Walker Jr.)
1. Seashells
2. Oh, give me back
my bended bow
Two Poems of Native American Poets Sheet Music |
Jeremiah Evans | Piano Solo (
Two Poems
of Sara Teasdale
1. A Cry
2. But Not to Me
Two Poems of Sara Teasdale Sheet Music | Jeremiah
Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Psalms (KJV)
1. Psalm 23
2. Psalm 117
Two Psalms Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Songs for Children
(Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
& Vachel Lindsay)
1. Afternoon on a Hill
2. The Little Turtle
Two Songs for Children Sheet Music| Jeremiah
Evans | Vocal Solo (
Two Songs of the
American Countryside
(Poems by Walt Whitman
& Robert Frost)
1. A Farm-Picture
2. The Pasture
Two Songs of the American Countryside Sheet Music
| Jeremiah Evans | Vocal Solo (
Two Songs of the
American South
(Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar
& Arna Bontemps)
1. Summer in the South
2. Southern Mansion
Two Songs of the Deep South Sheet Music | Jer
emiah Evans | Vocal Solo (
Velvet Shoes
(Poem by Elinor Wylie)
Velvet Shoes Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Zalka Peetruza
(Poem by Raymond G. Dandridge)
Zalka Peetruza Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Les Chansons pour "Laurent"​
(Commissioned by The Metropolitan
Opera's Lawrence Brownlee)
1. L'Invitation du Voyage
(Hommage du Henri Duparc)
2. Aimons-nous
(Hommage du Camille Saint-Saens)
3. Mandoline
(Hommage du Claude Debussy)
Coming Soon!!
An Hymn to the Evening
(Poem by Phillis Wheatley)
An Hymn to the Evening Sheet Music | Jeremiah Ev
ans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
April Rain Song
(Poem by Langston Hughes)
April Rain Song Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Belle Gunness
(Poem is anonymous)
Belle Gunness Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Central Park at Dusk
(Poem by Sara Teasdale)
Central Park at Dusk Sheet Music | Jeremiah Eva
ns | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Departing Summer
(Poem by George Moses Horton)
Departing Summer Sheet Music | Jeremiah Eva
ns | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
(Poem by Edgar Allan Poe)
Eldorado Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Four Epitaphs
(Poems by Countee Cullen)
1. For my Grandmother
2. For John Keats
3. For Paul Laurence Dunbar
4. For a Lady I Know
Four Epitaphs Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
God Bless Our Native Land
(Poem by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)
God Bless Our Native Land by Jeremiah Evans Sh
eet Music for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct
If You Should Go
(Poem by Countee Cullen)
If You Should Go Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
July Midnight
(Poemby Amy Lowell)
July Midnight Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Owed to New York
(Poem by Byron Rufus Newton)
Owed to New York Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Pictures of the
Floating World
(Poem by Amy Lowell)
1. Autumn Haze
2. A Lover
3. Nuit Blanche
4. Nuance
5. The Pond
Pictures of the Floating World Sheet Music | Jerem
iah Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Rain Fugue
(Poem by Jessie Redmon Fauset)
Rain Fugue Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
(Poem by George Godoy)
erratum: ms. 81, beat 3, in the
lyrics, "La" missing but corrected
in current edition
Roses by Jeremiah Evans Sheet Music
for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct
Sea Gypsy
(Poem by Richard Hovey)
Sea Gypsy Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Three Poems
of Emily Dickinson
1. I Never Saw a Moor
2. The Butterfly Upon the Sky
3. Wild Nights!
Three Poems of Emily Dickinson Sheet
Music | Jeremiah Evans | Piano Chor
ds/Lyrics (
Three Poems of
William Carlos Williams
1. The Red Wheelbarrow
2. El Hombre
3. Summer Song
Three Poems of William Carlos Williams by Jeremiah Ev
ans Sheet Music for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct
Two Lullabies
(Poems by Langston Hughes)
1. Winter Sweetness
2. Fairies
Two Lullabies Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Parables
(Poems by Kahlil Gibran)
1. On the Steps of the Temple
2. The Fox
Two Parables Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans
| Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems
of Emma Lazarus
1. Long Island Sound
2. The New Colossus
Two Poems of Emma Lazarus by Jeremiah Evans S
heet Music for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct​​
Two Poems of
Georgia Douglas Johnson
1. The Dreams of the Dreamer
2. Lost Illusions
Two Poems of Georgia Douglas Johnson
Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans | Piano C
hords/Lyrics (
Two Poems of
Henry Livingston Jr.
1. Catherine Livingston Bresse
2. Acrostic
Two Poems of Henry Livingston Jr.Sh
eet Music | Jeremiah Evans | Piano Ch
ords/Lyrics (
Two Poems of
James Weldon Johnson
1. Sunset in the Tropics
2. The Gift to Sing
Two Poems of James Weldon Johnso
n Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans | Pia
no Chords/Lyrics (
Two Poems of
Native American Poets
(Poems by Alexander Posey
and William Walker Jr.)
1. Seashells
2. Oh, give me back
my bended bow
Two Poems of Native American Poets Sh
eet Music | Jeremiah Evans | Piano Chor
ds/Lyrics (
Two Poems of
Sara Teasdale
1. A Cry
2. But Not to Me
Two Poems of Sara Teasdale Sheet Music | Jeremiah
Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Psalms (KJV)
1. Psalm 23
2. Psalm 117
Two Psalms Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans | Pi
ano Chords/Lyrics (
Two Songs for Children
(Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
& Vachel Lindsay)
1. Afternoon on a Hill
2. The Little Turtle
Two Songs for Children by Jeremiah Evans Sheet
Music for Piano & Vocal at Sheet Music Direct
Two Songs of the
American South
(Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar
and Arna Bontemps)
1. Summer in the South
2. Southern Mansion
Two Songs of the Deep South Sheet Music | Jeremiah
Evans | Piano Chords/Lyrics (
Velvet Shoes
(Poem by Elinor Wylie)
Velvet Shoes Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (​
Zalka Peetruza
(Poemby Raymond Garfield Dandridge)
Zalka Peetruza Sheet Music | Jeremiah Evans |
Piano Chords/Lyrics (
A Ceremony of Songs
for the Celebration
of Spring
(Poems by Sara Teasdale,
Alice Dunbar Nelson
Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson
& Paul Laurence Dunbar)
for high voice and Bb clarinet
1. Fanfare (Bb clarinet)
2. There Will Come Soft Rains
3. April
4. Sonnet
5. Spring Pools
6. A Light Exists in Spring
7. Spring Song
A Ceremony of Songs for the Celebration of Spring by Jeremiah
Evans Sheet Music for Instrumental Duet at Sheet Music Direct
Drifting Flowers of the Sea
(Poem by Sadakichi Hartmann)
for medium-low voice & oboe
Drifting Flowers of the Sea Sheet Music | Jerem
iah Evans | Oboe Duet (
Two Poems of
Ralph Waldo Emerson
for medium-low voice, Bb clarinet
violin, cello, & piano
1. Brahma
2. The Rhodora
Two Poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson Sheet Music | Jerem
iah Evans | Performance Ensemble (​
All scores are published by
J. Evans Music Press
All rights are reserved

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